
We engage with the world outside our doors with a commitment to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly. We believe that we are called to ensure that each person has life in all its fullness and that the environment is protected.  Life in all its fullness recognizes that in order to thrive, individuals and families need food, clean water, education, gender equality and a way to generate income. We are stewards of the earth and its care is entrusted to us.

From hunger to the environment, here are a few of our partner organizations

Hunger and Food Insecurity

We are working to ensure that our neighbors near and far have access to nutritious food.

Oregon Food Bank

We collect food and monies to provide food for Washington County residents. Learn more about the Oregon Food Bank here.

Cents-Ability Offering

We collect coins and cash each month to support local, national and global hunger needs in conjunction with the Presbyterian Hunger Program. Learn more about this wonderful organization and the people they serve here.

St. Matthew’s Food Panty

We partner with our sister church to staff and supply a food pantry for our local neighbors.

Third Thursday Soup Kitchen

We prepare a monthly meal for the Transitions Project in downtown Portland. Transitions Project believes that housing is a human right and that everyone should have access to shelter, food and safety. Learn more about Transitions Project and the many people they have served for over five decades on their website by clicking here.

Creation Care

We are working to care for the world God created.

Recycling Events

We host community-wide recycling events twice a year with local partners and have ongoing on-site recycling.

Earth Care

Valley Community is a PCUSA earth care certified congregation utilizing sustainable practices in worship, fellowship, facilities, outreach and education.


We are working to provide strong educational foundations for all children.

Raleigh Park Partnership

We partner with our neighborhood elementary school to provide weekly one-on-one tutoring, school supplies, books and any needed support. 

Together Women Rise

Our local chapter is part of a movement of women and allies dedicated to achieving gender equality worldwide. Grants from us and others empower women and girls to engage in transformative work and build strong connected communities.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that..
— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.